Top 13 Must Have Pet Bunny Supplies

Rabbits are the cutest pets in the world. They are friendly and playful animals that you can easily keep at home. However, it would help if you gave them proper care and attention so that they grow healthy and happy. If you have a rabbit at home, you must take good care of them. You must ensure your pet has all the necessary supplies to stay healthy and happy. In this article, we will discuss top 13 must have pet bunny supplies.

1. Housing

Rabbits should have an enclosed area where they can feel safe, such as a cage or hutch. These areas should be large enough for your rabbit to move around and exercise but not so large that they can’t get away from you if they feel threatened. Some rabbits like to be inside with their humans, while others like to stay outside in their own private space. Choose the best option for your rabbit and give them plenty of room to roam around without getting stressed out by too much human contact.

2. Food and Water Bowls or Dishes

Bunnies are very clean animals, but they are also very curious. If you have a wire cage, you will need food and water bowls that hang outside so your bunny cannot get to them while they are eating or drinking. Bunnies can be trained to use a litter box if spayed or neutered early in life.

3. Litter Boxes

Rabbits are very clean animals, and they like to keep their living area clean as well. The best way to clean their cage is by using a litter box. There are different types of litter boxes available in the market today, but make sure that they have enough space for your bunny to move freely around them.

4. Rabbit Pellets

Rabbit pellets are one of the must-have supplies for pet bunnies. If you want your pet bunny to stay healthy and strong, you need to ensure that you feed them with quality food. Rabbits love to eat hay, but this does not give them all the nutrients they need to survive daily. So what should you do? Feed them with rabbit pellets instead.

5. Fruits and Vegetables

Giving your rabbit fruits and vegetables might seem strange, but it is actually quite healthy for them. Rabbits do not have teeth, so they cannot chew on their food as other animals do. This means they have to swallow their food whole, which can cause complications if they eat too fast or do not chew enough before swallowing their food. Giving them fruits and vegetables will ensure that they chew all of their food properly before swallowing, making it easier for them to digest their food properly and get all the nutrients they need from it.

6. Vitamins and Other Supplements

Rabbits need a lot of extra nutrition, so it’s important to ensure they get the right vitamins and minerals. Here are some products that can help:

* VITAMINS: A good multivitamin will give your rabbit the necessary nutrients. It should have vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin D3, vitamin E, manganese, selenium, zinc, copper, and iodine.
* CALCIUM SUPPLEMENT: Rabbits can’t get enough calcium from their diet alone, so you’ll need to give them extra vitamins with calcium in them. This will help prevent osteoporosis later in life.
* OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS: Omega 3 fatty acids are important for a healthy coat and brain development in young rabbits. You can buy them as fish oil supplements at your local pet store or online.

7. Hay

Hay is an top 13 must have pet bunny supplies part of a rabbit’s diet and can be purchased in many places, including pet stores, feed stores, or online. If you plan to buy hay at a store, find one that sells it loose rather than in a bag because bunnies can get tangled up in the bag if they try to eat it. It’s also safer for your rabbit if you buy hay stored in a cool area, so it doesn’t spoil too quickly.

8. Care Book

A care book is also essential for pet bunny owners because it contains valuable information about caring for your rabbit and what to do if it gets sick or injured.

9. Water Bottle or Bowl

Rabbits need fresh water every day, but if you don’t want to constantly refill their water bowl or give them a water bottle that attaches to the side of their cage with an attached spout (which may be easier on their back), you can buy a water bottle that attaches directly to the cage itself instead of having an attached spout. This will ensure fresh water is always available for your bunny, no matter where he goes in his cage or who’s watching him while you’re gone.

10. Toys

Bunnies are very playful creatures, so it’s important to provide them with plenty of toys. The best option is usually wooden toys that can be tossed around and gnawed on. You can also buy various other rabbit toys but make sure they are made of non-toxic materials.

11. Furniture or Baseboard Protection

Rabbits will chew just about anything made of wood and put it in front of them, so it’s important to protect your furniture and baseboards from the destructive jaws of your pet bunny. If you have wooden furniture, you will need to cover it with strong material such as metal mesh or plastic sheeting that cannot be chewed through by your pet rabbit. You can also put plastic guards around baseboards to keep them from chewing on them!

12. Wire Covers

If you have a bunny that eats its hay, the wire flooring on its hutch or cage is tough for them to chew on. The wire can also be sharp and hurt your rabbit’s feet. To protect your bunny’s feet, you must buy wire covers for their cage. These are quick and easy to put on and take off. They also come in many colors, so you can match them with your décor or make them stand out if you want!

13. Bedding

Some people like using wood chips in their rabbit’s litter box, but there are better options than these because they can be hard on your bunny’s feet and cause infection when they get stuck between their toes. Instead of using wood chips, use bedding instead! Many different types of bedding are available for rabbits, including newspaper pellets and recycled paper products such as Care fresh Ultra Soft Pet Bedding. This option might be more expensive up front, but it will save you money in the long run because you won’t have to replace it as often as other litters would require.

Wrapping Up

Owning a pet bunny can be an extremely rewarding experience. Like their larger counterparts, rabbits need proper care and attention. Rabbits are very therapeutic for the elderly and those with special needs. Bunnies are even used in therapy facilities and hospitals due to their ability to benefit moods and enhance a person’s overall quality of life.